Rev Michael Cavanagh +353 (0)858 533 173

Arthur and Martha: Christ the King

Arthur: “Hey Martha, it won’t be long…”

Martha: “What won’t be long?”

Arthur: “Christmas! Christmas! Yipee!”

Martha: “I know.  But we need to remember to prepare!”

Arthur: “Of course. I’m already doing that.

Martha: Really? How?

Arthur: Well… I’m checking out all the stuff I’m hoping to get!

Martha: Hoping to get?

Arthur: Of course.  There’s a couple of games for my Xbox and loads of other stuff!

Martha: Such as?

Arthur: New… football kit.   New… tracksuit. But most all…

Martha: …Yes?

Arthur: I’m hoping that I’ll find a new bike on Christmas morning.

Martha: You are?

Arthur: Sure thing it is.  And I’ve being trying really hard to be helpful around the house.

Martha: Hmmm that’s interesting… I can’t say I’ve noticed.

Arthur: Well I have. So there!  Anyway. Why aren’t you getting excited?

Martha: Funny you should ask that question.  I am getting excited and I’ll tell you why.  

Arthur: Can’t wait. What are you hoping to get for Christmas then?

Martha: Well… I do have a couple of ideas.  But I want to talk to you about the weeks leading up to Christmas first.

Arthur: Go for it sis. I’m all ears. 

Martha: Did you know that the church has a calendar? 

Arthur: Hmmm… not noticed one. Where is it?

Martha: You’re funny. not that kind of calendar.  What I mean is there is a whole cycle of events that happen throughout the year.  And there’s a pattern – a bit like a bike wheel. 

Arthur: A bit like a bike wheel?

Martha: Hmm… that’s right. It’s a cycle. But not like the one that you’re hoping for.

Arthur: Get on with it!

Martha: Okay… I’ll try.  Today is the last day in the church calendar and then the whole cycle starts again. 

Arthur: I think you’ve lost me. 

Martha: Okay… no listen and don’t interrupt.  You can ask questions later.

Arthur: Get you.  Have you ever thought of becoming a teacher?

Martha: Shhhhhh. Just listen carefully.  This is the last Sunday in the church calendar. It has a special name – Christ the King.  This is the day we remember that Jesus is the king of all the world and that He is the greatest king of all.  Just imagine. Jesus is our very best friend, but He’s a king! A king who knows you and loves you. He cares for everyone in the same way that a good shepherd cares for every one of his sheep.  This is the last Sunday of the church year and next Sunday will be special too.  It’s Advent Sunday. 

Arthur: Tell me more.

Martha: Well of course I will.  All in good time.  But here’s something interesting. Grandma told me it used to be called ‘Stir up Sunday’.

Arthur: Stir up Sunday? Why? 

Martha: Because that was the day that everyone made their Christmas pudding and everyone in the family would have a stir. There’s an old prayer for this day. It starts like this.  

Stir up your hearts oh Lord to prepare the way for your only son
By His Advent we may be enabled to serve you with purified minds
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 

I like this prayer better.

Oh Jesus our King and our best friend.  
Help us to live as your children, aware of the needs of others and always ready to help.  

Arthur: I’m lost for words.  Imagine… my very best friend and he’s also a King! But just one question sis…

Martha: Go on then.

Arthur: If he really is everybody’s friend, I wonder what football team he supports?

Martha: Good question Arthur, but it’s one I can’t answer.  Anyway, I think I have a craft activity for you.  Would you like to make a crown?  It’s starting to rain, so go inside and collect crayons and some glue.  

Arthur: Great idea!  What are you going to do?

Martha: Finish reading my book.  You’ll enjoy it when you’re a bit older. 

Arthur: You sure? What’s the story?

Martha: It’s called ‘The Last Battle’.

Arthur: Any good?

Martha: Well I think so. One day you should read it for yourself. 

Arthur: Okay… I’m off to get the stuff together.  Nice chat sis.

Martha: Now you could make a crown too and for bigger kids, I can recommend the book I’m reading. It would make a good Christmas gift!

That’s all folks! See you again soon!