Rev Michael Cavanagh +353 (0)858 533 173

Mary’s Story

Hello little one. Pleased to meet you. It’s been an eventful few months while I’ve been waiting for you to arrive. Let me tell you all about it.

It started on an ordinary day. I was going about as normal, feeding the chickens, tidying up and that sort of thing.  I wasn’t really concentrating, I was thinking about my wedding to Joseph in a few weeks time.  Well… I’d never seen an angel before, but there was no mistaking who it was who came to meet me.  She told me that I was going to have a baby.  You actually.  I was a bit surprised, but I knew the angel wouldn’t say it if God hadn’t sent her to ask me and so I said yes.  

Joseph was even more surprised , but he’d had a visit from an angel as well, so that was ok.  Everything happened a bit quickly. We found out that the Roman Emperor wanted to count everybody.  Some people just have to count things apparently.  And we had to go to Bethlehem, Joseph’s hometown.

It was the most comfortable journey. You were getting big and I knew it wouldn’t be long. Fortunately, there were plenty of people who wanted to help by lending us a donkey. Some were a bit… too small.  Beauty the horse was too big! But Gabby was just right. She was happy to carry us both.  Even when we got there though, it wasn’t straightforward.  We couldn’t find anywhere to stay.  Everywhere was full and we were turned away by lots of places. In the end on inn keeper did find us somewhere.  Even though it was only a stable, it was warm and dry and after you were born, there was some clean straw in a manger and you were comfortable there.  

I found out later that the angels had been busy again.  This time it was some shepherds out in the field who were told what was happening.  They were quite surprised too.  They were told to leave what they were doing and to come to the stable to see us. Even that wasn’t the end of it. We had some more visitors! Not poor shepherds this time, but quite the opposite.  Travellers from the east.  Very dressed up! And they brought some very expensive gifts. It got quite crowded in the stable.  the animals wanted to join in too.  There were quite a few people that wanted to come and see you Baby.  It got quite crowded.  

I need to have a good think about what all this means.  I suspect this will only be the start of your story.  People across the whole world will hea about you and it won’t matter whether they are rich or poor, wherever they come from you will treat them all the same. The angel who spoke to Joseph had said so.  You will call him Jesus and through him people will know that God loves us all whoever we are.  But for now, just go to sleep in my arms my baby.  Joseph and I will keep you safe while you grow.  I love you.  I love you.