May you walk in His light throughout your life; may you be His body on earth, share Faith, Hope and Love, and use the all the gifts He gives you to bring His Kingdom in.
Praying Together 20th November 2022
Collect For Christ the King
Eternal God, you exalted Jesus Christ to rule over all things, and have made us instruments of his kingdom: by your Spirit empower us to love the unloved, and to minister to all in need, then at the last bring us to your eternal realm where we may be welcomed into your everlasting joy and may worship and adore you for ever: through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
Jeremiah 23:1-6
Luke 23:33-43
28 November 2021. Advent Sunday – the Christian New Year’s Day. We looked forward to the Story that St Luke would tell in the year to come.
First of all, there would be the announcement of two forthcoming births – one born to be a messenger, telling people to prepare for the coming of the Messiah; one to give birth to a King whose reign will never end.
A very old, loyal woman will tell of prophecy fulfilled; a devout, patient believer will himself be blessed in blessing the newborn who will be a light to the nations.
The young man, Yeshua – or in English, Jesus – will begin His ministry with a Satanic test – an opportunity to use His birthright to gain wealth and power. A temptation He will refuse.
In the coming years, he will lead a small group of disciples, teaching them by example. He will heal. He will perform miracles. He will explain the true nature of God’s love for All His people – whoever they may be – man, woman, Jew, Greek, slave, free. He will offer freedom and forgiveness for the dregs and outcasts of society. He will reject false, self-centred leadership and replace it with servanthood. He will do all this, despite knowing that He will be persecuted by those whose only love is for themselves.
He will turn His face to Jerusalem, the theatre where His Destiny will be revealed – a destiny of unearned suffering for the sake of usually unrequited love.
And even at the last, in unbearable pain and humiliation, His unconditional and universal love will be demonstrated in His final words – the words of comfort to which we cling even when all hope appears lost. For today, and forever, He is Christ the King.
Truly I tell you; today you will be with me in paradise.
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