It only takes one candle to be lit and the darkness loses its power to frighten. That is our mission.
Praying Together 7th January 2024
Collect for the Epiphany
Eternal Father, who at the baptism of Jesus revealed him to be your Son,
anointing him with the Holy Spirit: Grant to us, who are born of water and the Spirit, that we may be faithful to our calling as your adopted children; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Genesis 1: 1-5
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.
Luke 1: 68-79
John 8: 1-12
Darkness isn’t actually something in itself. It is the absence of something – the absence of light. Which is why, as God’s first act of creation, He commands light to be. Without a light source, nothing can be seen. God’s light shines so that the beauty of creation can be seen. Without light, there is nothing.
However our eyes aren’t equipped to look at light directly, it’s just too bright. What we actually see is reflected light, light that shines from a source – in daylight, the sun – reflected by the people or place we are looking at.
That principle allows us to take photographs. In daylight, the sunlight hits a subject and its image is reflected back into the camera. If there’s no sun (like County Kerry since October!) the light comes from a flashbulb. Imagine, then, that people are like cameras. When they look at us, what they see is God’s light reflected in us. Through us, His light shines into the world, destroying the darkness. If we let it. For we do have a choice not to. God gives us the freedom to reflect it or smother it.
So the question we ask of ourselves is this. When the world looks at us, sees our actions, our life, do we reflect the light of Christ, and further His Kingdom? Or do we deepen the darkness?
Previous Posts
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