Collect for Trinity 1
Romans 4: 13-25
Matthew 9: 9-13, 18-26
What is Faith? The assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1)
Faith. The difference that allows us to persevere when we appear to be in a situation of little hope, when doubt ties us down and restricts us from doing what we know we must, when we are attacked by secular rationality that questions our belief.
Faith. When all we have is the promise of Salvation to which we cling, like a lifebelt in stormy seas. When we cannot imagine how God’s promise can be achieved in us. When it appears our suffering can never end.
Faith. When we feel that we can never be forgiven for our past, when we appeal for mercy, when we are told that we are forgiven, whoever we are, whatever we have done.
Faith. That Jesus heals in body, mind and spirit.
Faith. To know that however cold the winter, however dark the night, a new Spring morning will flood creation with light and warmth.
Faith. To strive for righteousness, knowing that without God’s Holy Spirit as our guide alongside us, we will fail. And when we do fail, we get up and start again.
Faith. When we unreservedly place our trust in a risen Christ.
Faith. To proclaim the name of Jesus without fear.
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