Remembrance Collect
God of peace, whose Son Jesus Christ proclaimed the kingdom and restored the broken to wholeness of life: Look with compassion on the anguish of the world, and by your healing power make whole both people and nations; through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Isaiah 2:1-5 – The Future House of God
John 15:9-17
Remembrance Sunday. The image that immediately springs to mind is a Poppy – perhaps with the caption ‘Lest we forget’. An important message. But unfortunately, we have indeed forgotten. Rather than honouring those who laid down their lives for friends and family, the self-centred, power-hungry, money-driven state of the world is an insult not just to the memory of those lost in war, but also those today who are prepared to risk their lives for people they don’t even know.
The emergency services, fire, police, ambulance. Coastguards. Lifeboat crews. During Covid, Health service staff were given choruses of applause in thanks – but they remain understaffed, unacknowledged and underpaid. All too easily, we take for granted those who we rely upon to allow us to get on with our lives in security and comfort.
And, sadly, most of the time, we take our Saviour and Redeemer for granted too. Not intentionally, but by allowing the things of the world to take priority over obeying Jesus’ command to love my neighbour. We read Paul’s letter to Laodicea, and don’t realise that we’re just the same.
On Remembrance Sunday, we think about sacrifice and perhaps wear a poppy – but we then put it away until next year. Every Sunday, we worship and give thanks – but then Monday comes. Do we then get on with daily living, only calling upon Jesus when we’re in trouble? I suspect that often, we do. I know I do.
War, violence, hatred, anger have a basis in worldly sin, and we recognise that clearly – but equally sinful neglect of the poor (in every sense) is easily ignored – and so is neglect of our Saviour, and His supreme gift of freedom.
So on the eleventh day of the eleventh month, it is right to keep silence for the fallen, in every sphere of life, but unless we resolve to remember them as we remember Jesus – every day of the year – it means little.
You talk o’ better food for us, an’ schools, an’ fires, an’ all:
We’ll wait for extry rations if you treat us rational.
Don’t mess about the cook-room slops, but prove it to our face
The Widow’s Uniform is not the soldier-man’s disgrace.
For it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an’ “Chuck him out, the brute!”
But it’s “Saviour of ‘is country” when the guns begin to shoot.
‘Tommy’ – Rudyard Kipling
Praying Together January 14th 2024
Plough Sunday has its roots in medieval times, when the parish church was often used to store a communal plough in the winter months, then being decorated and blessed before the rhythm of the agricultural season begins once more on Plough Monday
Praying Together 7th January 2024
When the world looks at us, sees our actions, our life, do we reflect the light of Christ, and further His Kingdom? Or do we deepen the darkness?
Praying Together 31st December 2023
Jesus – the revolutionary terrorist according to the Sanhedrin – is different, however, in one unique regard.
His only weapon is love.
Even for enemies.
Which is how His Victory is won.
Praying Together 25th December 2023
Without the crib, there is no cross.
Without the cross, the crib has no meaning.
Unto us a child is born…
… a Saviour who is Christ the Lord.
Praying Together 17th December 2023
May you walk in His light throughout your life; may you be His body on earth, share Faith, Hope and Love, and use the all the gifts He gives you to bring His Kingdom in.
Praying Together 26 November 2023
They know what they should do. But they don’t do it. It is the ones who do God’s work, who serve without expecting any reward who will receive eternal life in the Kingdom.
Praying Together 19th November 2023
It might not be the trumpet. Or the Clarinet. A Trombone, Double Bass, a singing voice. It may not be music at all. If not, there are many other skills you may have been given that you are not yet aware of: artistic talent, hospitality, compassion, intercession, forgiveness, unconditional love. There will be some.
Praying Together 12th November 2023
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Praying Together 5th November 2023
“Do as I say, not as I do”. The mantra of hypocritical leaders through the ages. It is important to note that Jesus makes a clear distinction between the righteous observance of the Law and the self-important practice of the Pharisees.
Praying Together 29th October 2023
Hallowmas is a season we should not ignore, but instead celebrate as a festival of light, in the beauty of Autumn colours and enjoying a time for creation to rest in peace.
Praying Together 22nd October 2023
When the world lives in Christ, it’s laws are true and just. When it doesn’t, they are not, and we must reject them. There can be no compromise.
Praying Together 15th October 2023
Whoever we are – even unto this last -Jesus asks us to dine with Him. He has bought us the entrance fee. All He asks is that we accept Him as Lord.