Collect for Easter 6
1 Peter 3: 13-22
John 14: 15-21
“Parting is such sweet sorrow”. That’s all very well for Juliet – she’s looking forward to marrying Romeo the next day, and the delight of expectation is building with each hour’s delay. Little does she know what’s going to happen.
Neither did the disciples, and according to John’s Gospel account of the Last Supper, unlike Juliet, their troubled hearts suggest they’re not looking forward to it much.
Jesus tries to reassure them, but only after His passion and Resurrection will they remember what He said and understand that the road to Freedom will necessitate travel through the darkest of dark moments. However they will not be alone, and His parting from them will only be for a short time – and then they will be with Him for eternity.
Peter’s letter shows that he did finally understand. Initially, he was reluctant to allow Jesus the Servant King to wash his feet. In the garden late that night He fought those who came to arrest Jesus. In fear, he denied that he was one of Jesus’ followers. After the crucifixion, he hid to escape being arrested.
And then, his life changed. No longer frightened no matter what happened. The empty tomb. The upper room. The miraculous catch of fish at the sea of Tiberius. Forgiveness and commissioning. Establishing the Church. Proclaiming the gift of the Holy Spirit. Proclaiming the Good News. Eventual martyrdom. Faithfully doing right, whatever suffering might ensue.
We too are challenged to live as disciples, and we have the benefit of scripture and history. We know that the story will end with Christ victorious. Whatever the ups and downs of life, no matter how we are maligned, whatever difficulties we face, we know that He is with us always; we lift high His Cross – and live.
The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.”’
Go in peace, to love and praise the Lord and all His creation, giving thanks for the blessings of tomorrow – and the day after, then the day after that, and all your days. In the name of Christ. Amen
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