Lent 5 – St Patrick
Hebrews 5: 5-10
Matthew 28:16-20
The Anglican Church of Ireland has produced an excellent example of the way in which St Patrick’s life embodies the Five marks of Mission – a real cause for celebration and a model for us to follow (And by the way, St. Patrick’s flag colour is blue, not green.)
TELL – proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom.
TEACH – teach, baptise and nurture new believers.
TEND – respond to human need by loving service.
TRANSFORM – transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation.
TREASURE – strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of earth
Intercessions inspired by St Patrick’s life.
Thank you Father for sending your Son to die on the cross in our place, so that we can draw near to him. In the cross you have revealed to us your unfathomable love, mercy and forgiveness. Help us to follow the obedience of your Son by taking up our cross, so we may become ambassadors of your sacrificial and reconciling love in the world, in Jesus’ name.
God of Mission, hear our prayers.
TEACH – ST PATRICK TAUGHT THE PEOPLE OF IRELAND ABOUT THE GOD THE FATHER, GOD THE SON AND GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT. Thank you for those who faithfully teach others about you in churches, theological colleges and communities across the world today. We pray for those teaching in challenging circumstances – places where there is conflict, hunger or persecution. We ask you for safety for Bible teachers and those who want to learn.
God of Mission, hear our prayers.
TEND – ST PATRICK LEFT HIS FAMILY AND COUNTRY TO FOLLOW GOD’S CALL TO SERVE THE PEOPLE OF IRELAND. Lord Jesus, help us not to see things through economic lenses, but the way you do. We are amazed at the price you paid and how valuable that makes us. Give us your heart for people and to value everyone you put across our path. May we find ways to serve others in our daily lives;
God of Mission, hear our prayers.
TRANSFORM – ST PATRICK WAS CAPTURED AND TRAFFICKED TO IRELAND AS A SLAVE. Almighty God, please give us opportunities to challenge ourselves about the issue of human trafficking and modern day slavery. Move us to act for those who are victims of this dreadful crime. Prompt us to make changes, and speak up, where we need to so that the way we live doesn’t harm other people. Let our hearts be stirred about this issue.
God of Mission, hear our prayers.
TREASURE – ST PATRICK WAS A SHEPHERD AND TAUGHT PEOPLE ABOUT GOD USING NATURE – TRADITION TELLS US THAT HE USED THE TINY SHAMROCK TO TEACH PEOPLE ABOUT THE TRINITY. Creator God, thank you for the beauty of the earth you created. Thank you that many nations including our own have recognised their responsibility towards climate change. We recognise that it is often the poorest of our world that suffer most from the effects of climate change. We pray that our government will urgently implement policies to reduce emissions and help people adapt to the problem. We ask you to help us find ways to live more sustainable lives.
God of Mission, hear our prayers.
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