2nd Sunday before Advent
Hebrews 10: 11 – 14, 19 – 25
The letter to the Hebrews couldn’t be clearer. The old ritual as described in detail in the Old Testament, in which a jewel-bedecked and richly adorned priest spills animal blood on an altar, has been replaced by the one all-encompassing sacrifice of God’s Son. No jewels. No fine clothes. No altar – a rough -hewn piece of wood on which the Prince of Peace is the sacrificial offering seeking redemption.
However, while Christians accept that Christ’s sacrifice is complete and sufficient, the appropriate celebration of this issue remains as the cause of division between those of different denominations. Some, of a Catholic Persuasion (n.b. not just ‘Roman’ Catholic), regard the Bread as incorporating (either symbolically or in reality) the consecrated blood of Jesus, and elevate it from the Altar in the Eucharistic Prayer for all to recognise as a sacrifice we offer to God. In theological terms, this is called ‘Sacrificium’ (sacrifice).
In an opposing doctrine in more conservative Protestant Theology, around God’s Holy Table He offers His Son to us. This is referred to as ‘beneficium’ (gift giving), that is, a gift from God to the faithful rather than from the faithful to God. The celebration of thanksgiving for salvation takes place within the context of a meal, and we share bread and wine as memorial of His words at the Last Supper.
Sacrifice or memorial? Millions of words on the issue haven’t reached a resolution, and probably won’t ever. But the important point is that this must not – Must Not!!! – cause division between all who proclaim Jesus as Lord. However we understand it, it is the Spirit-led recognition of His presence at the heart of our Eucharist that changes our lives and sets us free to be His Body on earth.
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