Easter 4
Collect for Easter 4
Raise us, who trust in him, from the death of sin to the life of righteousness,
that we may seek those things which are above, where he reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
1 John 3: 16-24
John 10: 11-18
Some facts about sheep.
1. Sheep form deep bonds with their offspring which last for years
2. Sheep are more intelligent than you give them credit for. They support each other, and grieve when they are bereaved. They are as intelligent as dogs.
3. They have wonderful memories – they can remember 50 faces (Both other sheep and human) for years
4. They have amazing peripheral vision – twice as good as humans
5. They are quick learners
6. They are social animals – they flock together
7. They seek a leader to follow, for protection and guidance – they become stressed and disoriented in the absence of a recognised shepherd. Unfortunately, they trust without discernment, and as such are open to being deceived and manipulated.
So its not necessarily an insult when Jesus compares His followers to sheep needing a shepherd (much better than being called a goat – sheep are safety-motivated – goats are appetite-driven and will risk their own safety to eat). In fact, He is demonstrating His care, not just for a majority, but recognising the threat to, and value of, each and every one, and is prepared to risk His life to protect them.
The false shepherd is different – they seek to lead for their own purposes, not for the sake of those who follow. If it suits them, they will abandon their flock.
We only have to watch the TV news to see the various people who would offer themselves as plausible leaders and solicit our support. Some of them are no doubt genuine – some of them are certainly corrupt. It’s sometimes difficult to know. There is only one leader who invites us to follow of whom we can be sure – the one who is prepared to lay down His life.
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