Collect for Trinity 20
Almighty God, whose Holy Spirit equips your Church with a rich variety of gifts: Grant us so to use them that, living the gospel of Christ and eager to do your will, we may share with the whole creation in the joys of eternal life;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
1 Thessalonians 1: 1-10
Matthew 22: 15-22
You’d have thought by now that they would realise that they aren’t ever going to succeed in tricking Jesus into saying something that would get Him in bother.
Is it lawful to pay taxes to the Emperor? Answer ‘No’ and they could accuse Him in front of the Roman authorities; ‘Yes’ and He can be accused of collaboration with the occupying forces and denying the Law. When He doesn’t fall for it and turns the tables on the hypocritical and clueless Pharisees, they are ‘amazed’. Just what did they expect?
But in some sense, the question appears to be a reasonable one – if we accept that the two are mutually incompatible. But they aren’t. So we resolve that question in the same way as did our Lord. Yes, if we are asked whether we conform to the World’s values and laws, either answer could get us in hot water. ‘Yes’ denies our faith in God’s overreaching authority – ‘No’ accuses us of not engaging with the real world. So we don’t answer the divisive leading question. Instead , we realise that some taxes are necessary. We live in a civilised society, and laws are required to support order and safety. Only when those laws conflict with living in the Gospel is there incompatibility. And then there is only one choice we can make, irrespective of the cost.
When the world lives in Christ, it’s laws are true and just. When it doesn’t, they are not, and we must reject them. There can be no compromise. From Stephen the Deacon through Thomas àBecket, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the thousands today living in countries where Christian faith is illegal, the history of Christianity is one of resolute women and men living the Gospel without fear in the face of retribution, persecution and threat. As must we.
Lord of all Compassion, we pray during these difficult days for all the peoples of the Holy Land.
May the gentleness of Christ prevail through the pain of conflict and mistrust,
May the presence of Christ heal the wounds that are inflicted,
May the hope and courage of Christ be with all who are desperate and dying,
May the truth of Christ enlighten those in positions of authority to seek new ways of living that foster harmony and mutual respect, and
May the peace of Christ dwell deep within the hearts of all in this the Land of the Holy One.
We ask this and all our prayers through the same, Jesus Christ, whose way is the most excellent way of love.
Revd Canon David Longe, former Chaplain to the Archbishop in Jerusalem
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