Trinity 17
James 3:13 – 4:3, 7, 8a – Two kinds of Wisdom
Mark 9: 33 – 37 – Who is the Greatest?
Who’s the GOAT?
That question is guaranteed to provoke endless argument, the claimed candidate being dependent on personal allegiances, age, culture and experience. The GOAT we’re talking about here though isn’t Billy, as pictured here.
It stands for Greatest Of All Time.
Although probably based on questions of sport, usually football (George Best or Colin Bell?) (No contest, IMHO), the appellation ‘GOAT’ is now applied to people in all walks of life. For me, I guess the top candidates in various other disciplines are:
Politicians: Abraham Lincoln or Nelson Mandela?
Cricketers: Don Bradman or Gary Sobers?
Guitarists: Clapton or Hendrix?
Artists: Picasso or Van Gogh?
Racing Drivers: Fangio or Senna?
Authors: Dickens, Lawrence or Joyce?
Disciples: James, John or Peter?
In truth, you’d have to question whether they were really the greatest or simply just the best known. The answer according to Jesus is actually many who we’ve never heard of, those who were happy to be servants of the smallest child despite the cost to themselves. That’s the challenge.
Whereupon, perhaps the GOAT could even be (should be?) You.
Better learn how to Bleat.
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