Collect for Easter 3
1 Peter 1: 17-23
Luke 24: 13-35
In the ground-breaking 1972 TV series, John Berger’s ‘Ways of seeing’, one sentence speaks out to me. ‘We only see what we look at’.
Over the weeks since Easter, we have read of a number of occasions where people see the resurrected Jesus. One common factor is their initial lack of recognition. Mary thought He was the gardener, and only when He called her by name did she realise who He was – ‘I have seen the Lord!’ she cries out to the apostles. Thomas couldn’t accept resurrection until he saw Jesus’ wounds for himself, and proclaimed Him – ‘My Lord and my God!
On the road to Emmaus, the two disciples walked and talked, but only when He broke bread with them did their eyes open and they realised who had been talking to them on the road, and why their ‘hearts were burning within us’.
Saul of Tarsus had been persecuting Jesus’ followers. It was only when Jesus appeared to Him in person on the Damascus Road that Saul became Paul.
All of these saw His physical body. But Jesus Himself told of those millions upon millions who would believe even though they hadn’t ‘seen’ Him. How can that be? It depends on what you mean by ‘see’.
In each case, Jesus comes to meet them – but only when they ‘look’ can they see Him for who He is. Before that, they had not seen Him ‘with the eyes of their heart’.
He comes to us in so many ways in order that we may see Him.. In creation. In forgiveness. In salvation. In love. In new life. All these free gifts of grace – but it is up to us to choose to see them, with every one of our senses.
As depicted in Holman Hunt’s ‘Light of the World, Jesus comes to us, and waits for us to open the door, recognise and acknowledge Him. He waits for us to ‘look’ – and when we do, we see Him. Our Lord and our God.
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