Rev Michael Cavanagh +353 (0)858 533 173
hands resting on palm leaves

Lent 6 – Palm Sunday


Most merciful God, who by the death and resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ delivered and saved the world: Grant that by faith in him who suffered on the cross, we may triumph in the power of his victory; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Philippians 2: 5-11

Mark 14: 1-15: 47

Today’s Palm Sunday reading is not the usual one from Luke’s Gospel describing Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem to the accompaniment of people shouting ‘Hosanna’ and waving palm branches. The reading from Matthew is much darker – and although in retrospect we know that it does describe the first act of a triumphal drama, that victory will not be understood for some days later.

Jesus is under threat – life-threatening conspiracy to kill Him being discussed by the religious hierarchies. Even His disciples are annoyed with Him as He accepts the woman’s act as one of anointing, whereas they see it as a wasteful and over-the-top demonstration of what they regard as hero-worship. One of them is so disturbed that he decides that Jesus must be prevented from demonstrating against the Temple authorities during the Passover Festival. It may even be that Judas sees the betrayal as for Jesus’ own good – we don’t know whether he knew that Jesus would be killed or simply incarcerated until after the celebration was over.

But Jesus is aware of what He will have to endure in order to fulfil His mission of salvation – and He sets the necessary elements in motion. He accepts the woman’s gift for what it is (she may indeed have been Spirit-driven to be aware of the significance of what she was doing). He knows that Judas goes to betray Him unto death. He sends two of His disciples to acquire a room in which He will institute the eucharistic act and give His final teaching. Yes, He will certainly ride into Jerusalem to the accompaniment of cheering crowds, but in the light of the knowledge that those same crowds will call for Bar-Abbas to be released and demand His crucifixion.

But for my sake, and the sake of all those He loves – even those who do not love Him in return – He offers Himself as the final redemptive sacrifice. Hallelujah. What love. What a saviour.

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