Rev Michael Cavanagh +353 (0)858 533 173
a woman holding a bible in candlelight

Collect For Christmas


Almighty God, you gave us your only Son to take on our human nature and to illumine the world with your light. By your grace adopt us as your children and enlighten us with your Spirit, through Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

Titus 2: 11-14

John 1: 1-14

A verse from ‘It came upon the Midnight clear’

And Man, at war with Man, hears not
The love-song that they sing
O hush your noise, Ye Men of strife
And hear the Angels sing.

Which could be paraphrased as ‘Shut up and listen and you’ll hear something worth hearing.’

But most of the time we don’t. We’re too busy to stop and listen. And while we’re running around and trying to multitask we drown out the silence in which faith whispers a message of hope; hope enables the love which casts out fear; fear that drives conflict, hatred and anger and brings a pervasive darkness that feeds upon itself. We read the news of continual human conflict, and it’s easy to feel despair. But it only takes one candle to be lit and the darkness loses its power to frighten. That’s our mission.

In the very first passage of John’s Gospel, we are reassured that the light has come; and the darkness will never overcome it. Quite a simple message – one we hear repeated at this time of incarnation, God becoming Man out of love for us. Unlike Santa, God doesn’t give us presents because we’ve been good – He gives us the present of Jesus even though we haven’t been. Because He loves us. And if we shut up and listen – even for five minutes – we’ll hear the song of the Angels telling us so.

When we sing the verse in the carol about ‘Man at war with Man’, we usually think that it applies to those nations and their leaders who use violence to achieve their dominance over others. But perhaps we ought to look at ourselves. If we believe Judgement begins with those of God (1 Peter 4:17), how about changing the verse slightly to reflect the state of the Church…

And ‘Christians’ at denominational war with other ‘Christians’ hear not
The love song that they sing
O hush the noise Ye sectarian legalists
And hear the Angels sing

The Song isn’t about reinforcing our own preferences and prejudices;
the Angels are singing about Jesus. Be quiet and listen.

A message from Bishop Michael

A short summary of the Christmas Story.

A little Christmas memory

‘All the stores were closed and shuttered’. Walking to Early Communion on Christmas Day in Stalybridge – all the busyness of the Market town stilled. So quiet. Not even church bells yet. I can hear my own footsteps. What will the day bring? Song. Laughter. Friends. Bread. Wine. Family. Faith. Hope. Love.

May you share that Blessing in Christ.


street lamp at sunrise
Praying Together 25th September 2022

Praying Together 25th September 2022

Luke 16: 19-31  What will it take to convince you? With thanks to Anselm of Canterbury, and his inspiration Augustine of Hippo, there are two approaches to faith. (Excuse the Latin, but I had five years of it at school and I can’t help showing off sometimes as a...

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Praying Together 18th September 2022

Praying Together 18th September 2022

Luke 16: 1-13  To whom do we owe our allegiance?  You cannot serve God and ‘wealth’ Bah. If ever there was a misleading Biblical translation, that’s it. It’s bad enough when the translated phrase reads ‘You cannot serve God and money’. Neither of those words...

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Praying Together – 11 September 2022

Praying Together – 11 September 2022

Collect for Trinity 13  Almighty God, who called your Church to bear witness that you were in Christ reconciling the world to yourself: Help us to proclaim the good news of your love, that all who hear it may be drawn to you; through him who was lifted up on the...

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Mary’s Story

Mary’s Story

Hello little one. Pleased to meet you. It’s been an eventful few months while I’ve been waiting for you to arrive. Let me tell you all about it.
It started on an ordinary day. I was going about as normal, feeding the chickens, tidying up and that sort of thing.  I wasn’t really concentrating, I was thinking about my wedding to Joseph in a few weeks time.

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The Journey to the Cross

The Journey to the Cross

The Lent readings tell a familiar story.  The story of a journey.  A journey to the cross.  
Let’s remind ourselves of that journey. After his baptism, Jesus went into the wilderness for forty days and forty very cold nights.  The voices of Satan came whispering, tempting, but Jesus refuses to be distracted or tempted.

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