Trinity 13
Ephesians 6: 10-17
John 6: 56, 60 – 69
“Therefore take up the whole armour of God”
I looked on the Internet for an image relevant to Paul’s instructions on defending against the spiritual forces of evil. Ther are many of them. They invariably depict a warrior clad in medieval armor (sic), a modern-day Ivanhoe ready to fight a holy war. Dramatic. But completely missing the point.
Victory in battle may be temporarily won by military might. But in the longer term, force rarely (if ever) sustains. Napoleon Buonaparte was well aware of that. “Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and I have founded empires. But on what did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force. Jesus Christ founded his empire upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for him.”
Violence achieves nothing towards bringing in the Kingdom of God. All it does is engender more violence. God wins the War through sacrifice – the sacrifice of His Son.
Paul uses the metaphor of armour – but he isn’t talking about the weapons of violence. Instead, he calls for Truth. Righteousness. Peace. Faith. Salvation. The word of God. And through these, the War is won.
Funny kind of Victory
A short battle, it was;
no flags and no trumpets,
not a fair fight.
One naked man with outstretched arms
against chain mail and spears.
They gave Him thorns,
gave Him whips,
gave Him sour wine and their spittle,
gave Him nails… but gave Him no honour.
It’s over now.
He dies alone, and the quiet is hard to bear.
Even the banter of the soldiers is hushed;
only the sound of the wind and the aching world,
bound and fearful for so long,
waiting for its freedom.
Funny kind of battle, it was;
one man against legion.
Funny kind of victory
when the victor dies.
I wonder if the loser knew;
I wonder if the shaking of the earth
or the tearing of the curtain distracted him?
Or did he see, and despair to see,
the Christ-blood
washing the earth beneath the cross?
Funny when a victory’s won by seeming loss.
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