Collect for Christmas
Hebrews 1: 1-14
John 1: 1-14
Christmas! Would be interesting to ask people what word images are immediately conjured up at the mention of the word. Star. Angels. Shepherds. Magi. Mary, Joseph. The wee donkey. Ox and lamb. Little drummer boy. Stable. Manger. Carols. Crib. Holly. Mistletoe. Tree, Robins. Snow. Not to mention the food – Mince pies, Turkey and Ham, Pudding, Sprouts (Love ‘em), Cake. Alka-Seltzer. TV repeats of Only Fools and Horses. It’s a Wonderful Life. Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas.
But there is one word missing from most such lists.
Without the crib, there is no cross.
Without the cross, the crib has no meaning.
Unto us a child is born…
… a Saviour who is Christ the Lord.
Previous Posts
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Perhaps, then instead of just giving chocolate and flowers on Mothering Sunday, we might resolve to offer love in return throughout every day of the year
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