Collects for Lent 5 – Passion Sunday
Romans: 8: 6-17
John 11: 1-45
The raising of Lazarus. One of those Gospel stories that most people know, in particular including the famous ‘shortest verse in the Bible’: John 11:35 – ‘And Jesus wept’.
There are so many aspects to the story that can form the basis of a sermon, if not a full-blown detailed analysis of Jesus’ actions that would need a whole book. His friendships, not least including women; His anointing by Mary; the delay in His arrival; His willingness to face hatred and rejection; His prophetic proclamation that Lazarus is dead; Martha’s confession of trust in His God-given authority; His declaration that faith in Him will conquer death; His human emotions; the muttering doubt of the people; and then the earth-shattering demonstration of the Glory of God as He raises His voice to command Lazarus walk from death back to life.
But there is one detail that can often be overlooked in the midst of such drama.
Verse 16: Thomas, who was called the Twin, said to his fellow-disciples, ‘Let us also go, that we may die with him.’
Thomas speaks with a sense of resigned inevitability – but is still prepared to follow Jesus without reservation. His response speaks volumes about Jesus’ leadership – and Thomas’ role in the disciples as well, in that when you might expect Peter to be the one who is prepared to rush headlong into trouble, it is Thomas – the one who would later look for concrete proof of resurrection – whose faith in Jesus will extend to accept suffering and potential martyrdom.
We have to ask ourselves if, like Thomas, we are prepared to follow Jesus at whatever cost, trusting that in walking in His light we are equipped to serve and proclaim salvation and freedom in His name.
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