Rev Michael Cavanagh +353 (0)858 533 173
a wooden boat in galilee

Collect for Christ the King Sunday

Eternal Father, whose Son Jesus Christ ascended to the throne of heaven that he might rule over all things as Lord and King: Keep the Church in the unity of the Spirit and in the bond of peace, and bring the whole created order to worship at his feet, who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

Ephesians 1: 15-23

Matthew 25: 31-46

Through the past weeks, the readings from Matthew’s Gospel have concentrated on Jesus teaching, healing and explaining the Kingdom of Heaven in parables. The Sower. The mustard seed. Treasure in a field, a pearl of great price. Each one being more direct in its message. Refusal of the invitation to the great banquet. The last first, the first last. As Jesus speaks, the Pharisees and elders of the Temple become more and more angry. They realise that the message of His teaching undermines their authority within the religious hierarchy, with their self-importance exposed as being more important to them than their religious responsibilities.

He speaks to them even more directly and denounces them as blind guides who offer no leadership. He talks about the entrance of the bridegroom, the return of the landowner – and now, as if what He has said before wasn’t bad enough, with barely-disguised criticism He reminds them that their pious hypocrisy isn’t going to be the passport to Paradise they imagine it is. Unless their actions result in the service of the people they lead, they will never enter the Kingdom. Their falsehood is emphasised in the light of their knowledge of their responsibilities They know what they should do. But they don’t do it. It is the ones who do God’s work, who serve without expecting any reward who will receive eternal life in the Kingdom.

It’s no wonder the Pharisees start making plans to get rid of Him.

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