Collect for Trinity 12
Romans 12: 1-8
Matthew 16: 13-20
The spectacular landscape of South West Kerry is framed by the way that rock, over many hundreds of thousands of years, has been eroded by water, moved by earthquake, smoothed by slow-moving glaciers and weakened by weather. We pick up a tiny pebble, and tell our children stories of how it used to be a huge boulder. The mountains are moving still, and the skyline changes constantly.
The rock on which Christ’s Church is built, however, is changeless. It weathers all the storms that the world sets against it, and will always stand firm. How? Through us. The rock on which the church was to be founded was Peter’s confession of Jesus as Messiah. His faith, and the strength of the Spirit, began an unstoppable witness to the Gospel. Over the years, there have been many assaults upon it – some intentional, some insidious, some selfish, some merely through apathy. But still it stands, preserved by the light of burning martyrs through the ages.
And today, our faith and our openness to the Spirit’s guidance echo Peter’s confession. We are part of the rock, and generations yet unborn will know peace and freedom through our witness. The gates of Hell stand no chance, no matter with what weapons Satan uses to defend them.
We pray together:
Heavenly Father – we can only imagine Peter’s reaction when Jesus asks Him the question. There will have been a silence – the disciples are looking at each other, willing someone else to answer. They know that this is the pivotal moment of their lives. Deep in their heart, they do believe – but to say the word out loud means commitment to accepting the consequence, whatever that may be, whatever dangers will be faced. In the end, it is Peter, once again, who takes the step that faith demands. Thousands since that day have proclaimed the same. And so do I. Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Christ. I pray that my faith will be as strong as rock, and upon that stone, may your church continue being built. Amen.
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