Rev Michael Cavanagh +353 (0)858 533 173
night sky with stars

Trinity 9


Almighty God, who sent your Holy Spirit to be the life and light of your Church:

Open our hearts to the riches of his grace, that we may bring forth the fruit of the Spirit in love and joy and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Ephesians 3: 14-21

John 6: 1-2

Sometimes we look to Scripture to enjoy stories, to learn, sometimes as a guide for prayer, perhaps as a source for acts of worship. All good. But none of these form the basis of Paul’s instructions at the end of his letter to the Ephesians (and others – the guidelines are intended to be shared widely among new believers). I’ll precis what his message means to me: ‘Forget your surroundings, put aside your worries, leave your questions and doubts at the door – rest in the glory of a cloudless night sky with its billions of stars and consider the awesome, boundless gift of His love for you. Words are not enough – so simply keep silence and consider God’s creation and His love for you.’

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars that you have established; what is man that you are mindful of him, mortals that you care for them?
Ps. 8:3, 4

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