LORD, we beseech thee, grant thy people grace to withstand the temptations of the world, the flesh, and the devil, and with pure hearts and minds to follow thee the only God; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
James 5:13 – 20
Mark 9: 42 – 48
‘if anyone among you wanders from the truth’…
‘And what is truth?’, said Pilate, before walking away from it, quoted in John 18:38
‘To say of what is that it is, or of what is not that it is not, is true.’ That’s Aristotle.
‘Truth is what I say it is’ according to politicians and dictators through the ages
‘Er, search me’ said quite a lot of wise philosophers.
Do we have to define something to understand what it means in our daily lives? I would suggest that while a definition certainly often helps – but a definition isn’t always necessary. As an example, to survive. we have to breath something called ‘air’ – but we don’t have to know its chemical formula in order to do so. There is much more to life than hard facts, and in them, truth will exist in spirit.
What is important is that we perceive, accept and believe ‘truths’ in order to frame our decisions and actions. We base our lives on what we believe to be truth, and for us as Christians, Jesus’ word is all the truth we need to live in Him and act as His body on Earth. His truth is simple – it is Love. Love of God and Love of neighbour.
‘My word is truth’, said Jesus in John 17: 17. Pilate was afraid of the consequences of belief. Thankfully, we need not be.
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The Journey to the Cross
The Lent readings tell a familiar story. The story of a journey. A journey to the cross.
Let’s remind ourselves of that journey. After his baptism, Jesus went into the wilderness for forty days and forty very cold nights. The voices of Satan came whispering, tempting, but Jesus refuses to be distracted or tempted.