Collect for Trinity 5
2 Corinthians 8: 7 – 15
Mark 5: 21 – 24, 35 – 43
If Jesus healed Jairus’ daughter, why didn’t He heal my Grandad?
I try to encourage questions about our Bible readings and the message they contain – but this one, from a child, is perhaps the one I dread most. The passage seems to teach a straightforward lesson about Jesus’ power over Illness and death, as do many other stories – the woman with the haemorrhage, Lazarus and many others. So if them, why not me? Why does Jesus’ healing appear selective? Anyway, why does a loving God allow suffering, illness and death at all?
The answer deserves a reply – but the question and its reply has been around for two thousand years. It involves consideration of human free will, sin and the existence of evil as well as the more practical aspect of death being essential part of the human condition – there would be no room left on earth if everyone were immortal. And the debate continues to this day. Despite having heard and read many such discussions, in truth, for me, I would still have to say I don’t really know the definitive answer. Even Paul didn’t know, actually – he writes of our knowledge being incomplete, like a dim image in a clouded mirror.
But I do know this: that if there were no sadness, I could not know joy: if there were no illness, I could not know health: if there were no hatred, I could not know love: if there were no death, I could not know life. If God fixed all my problems on my behalf, I would be no more than a puppet, not a person with choices. And the Bible teaches that I do have. I can choose love – but am also able to deny love. God gives us that freedom.
So what lesson does this scripture tell us? I suggest it is about faith in the midst of despair. Jesus’ healing is a signpost pointing to the culmination of His divine mission, that encompasses His suffering and torture, His death, His triumph over sin through His cross, and the defeat of evil in His resurrection. So in the face of my uncertainties, I trust Him; and one day, I will know the answer to all the hard questions.
And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” – Revelation 21:3-4
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