Second Sunday before Lent
Almighty God, you have created the heavens and the earth and made us in your own image: Teach us to discern your hand in all your works and your likeness in all your children; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit reigns supreme over all things, now and for ever.
Colossians 1: 15-20
John 1: 1-14
We probably know the Gospel passage well – it forms the finale of most of the traditional carol services, and is the foundation of our understanding of incarnation – God’s only Son is born as a human child with human earthly parents while also being the one who will bring light to a dark world.
We say that familiarity breeds contempt – and I don’t think we are too guilty of ‘contempt’ – but we are, I do think, in danger of missing the earth-shattering significance of the event in the midst of all the other wonderful Christmas stories. Paul tries to make sure we don’t.
‘in him all things in heaven and on earth were created’
ALL things, animal, vegetable, mineral. Me, you, him, her; earth, sky , sea; mountains and valleys, dogs, cats, elephants, apples, brussels sprouts. And even in the light of the immensity of all these, the most important, amazing truth is that right from the beginning, from the very, very, very beginning, He knew your face and loved you enough to be born to die for you so that you might live in light.
Imagine someone risked their life to save you from being killed, even though you had hurt them deeply in the past – you would go to great lengths to thank them and try to make amends. Yet we have to ask ourselves, do you go to those same lengths to thank the Lord Jesus? Or do we often take Him for granted? He asks for no reward, save that of loving His creation, His Father and our neighbours (all of them) as He loves – do we even do that?
Previous Posts
Praying Together 11th February 2024
It’s the same for us – we cannot build our faith on just one or two aspects of Jesus’ story. The fundamental truth we need to accept that He is risen from the dead and He is Lord, alive.
Praying together 28th January 2024
So, says Paul, eat or don’t eat. Stop making a fuss over things that don’t matter, and get on with loving your neighbour.
Praying Together 21st January 2024
as we celebrate this week of Christian Unity, let us consider what service we could offer together, that we wouldn’t be capable of achieving on our own – the whole being much greater than the parts.
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Plough Sunday has its roots in medieval times, when the parish church was often used to store a communal plough in the winter months, then being decorated and blessed before the rhythm of the agricultural season begins once more on Plough Monday
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When the world looks at us, sees our actions, our life, do we reflect the light of Christ, and further His Kingdom? Or do we deepen the darkness?
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Jesus – the revolutionary terrorist according to the Sanhedrin – is different, however, in one unique regard.
His only weapon is love.
Even for enemies.
Which is how His Victory is won.
Praying Together 25th December 2023
Without the crib, there is no cross.
Without the cross, the crib has no meaning.
Unto us a child is born…
… a Saviour who is Christ the Lord.
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May you walk in His light throughout your life; may you be His body on earth, share Faith, Hope and Love, and use the all the gifts He gives you to bring His Kingdom in.
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They know what they should do. But they don’t do it. It is the ones who do God’s work, who serve without expecting any reward who will receive eternal life in the Kingdom.
Praying Together 19th November 2023
It might not be the trumpet. Or the Clarinet. A Trombone, Double Bass, a singing voice. It may not be music at all. If not, there are many other skills you may have been given that you are not yet aware of: artistic talent, hospitality, compassion, intercession, forgiveness, unconditional love. There will be some.
Praying Together 12th November 2023
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Praying Together 5th November 2023
“Do as I say, not as I do”. The mantra of hypocritical leaders through the ages. It is important to note that Jesus makes a clear distinction between the righteous observance of the Law and the self-important practice of the Pharisees.