Collect for fourth Sunday Before Advent
O God, our refuge and strength, the author of all godliness; Be ready, we beseech thee, to hear the devout prayers of thy Church; and grant that those things which we ask in faith may be given to us according to Your will; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
1 Thessalonians 2: 9-13
Matthew 23: 1-12
“Do as I say, not as I do”. The mantra of hypocritical leaders through the ages. It is important to note that Jesus makes a clear distinction between the righteous observance of the Law and the self-important practice of the Pharisees. They have authority vested in them according to tradition, and they are responsible for guiding the religious life of the people. Jesus makes it clear that people must follow their instruction. He endorses Temple worship and prayer traditions, such as Phylacteries to act as scriptural guides, and the fringes on their ritual clothes as reminders of the Commandments as prescribed in the Book of Numbers (15:37-40).
But He is scathing about the way in which the Pharisees themselves make ostentatious gestures of holiness without any substance or obedience to the significance of the Law in their own daily lives. Their faith is superficial in the extreme – they parade the outward signs of holiness, without there being any inward belief. They are power-seeking politicians, out for themselves alone. The gospel passage above is merely an introduction to a list of the accusations that follow. Later in the chapter, He calls them not just hypocrites, but also blind guides, a brood of vipers, the descendants of those who murdered the prophets and who will continue to do so.
And when He tells people that they are not all be served, but instead to be servants themselves, He simply goes too far. He is undermining the whole foundation of Temple hierarchy, with them insisting on being paid deference and using titles like ‘Rabbi’ as a badge of rank. Not really any wonder, then that they will double their efforts to get rid of Him.Previous Posts
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