Rev Michael Cavanagh +353 (0)858 533 173
child sitting on suitcases, imaging

Collect for Trinity 6

Merciful God, you have prepared for those who love you such good things as pass our understanding: Pour into our hearts such love toward you that we, loving you above all things, may obtain your promises, which exceed all that we can desire; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Luke 1:57-66 – The Birth of John the Baptist

Mark 6:6-13 The Mission of the Twelve

What then will this child become?

It is inevitable that people should speculate about a child’s future life – when Zecharia was healed of his inability to speak at the naming ceremony for his son John, all who heard asked ‘what will this child become?’ (Luke 1:66) We know something they didn’t – that he would become ‘The Baptiser’.

It will have been the same for the disciples in their childhood ‘Well, Simon Peter, what would you like to be when you grow up? Fisherman, like your Dad? What do you mean – Bishop of Rome??? Don’t be silly.’

But that’s what happened. Jesus appointed the unlikeliest people to be the ones who would spread the Gospel message of forgiveness, healing and freedom. They would never have believed it, or even thought it would be possible – but clearly, in the presence of Jesus, they are changed and equipped for their chosen task.

And so are we. When you were a child, what did you want to be? Nurse? Scientist? Bus driver? Politician? Put your hand up if you said ‘Apostle’. Yup – thought so. You will notice that my hand wasn’t up either, as it wouldn’t be if I had asked ‘Evangelist’, ‘Disciple’, ‘Prophet’, ‘Teacher’ ‘Healer’, ‘Priest’. But nevertheless some of us are in one or more of those roles, and some of us will be even if we don’t know it yet.

Being a Christian – being the Body of Christ – is the task to which we are called. Sometimes that is being with Him in quiet meditation – sometimes it is being committed to work in His Creation, putting our faith into action according to our gifts and our opportunities. You can’t have one without the other. (James 2:14-17) So be blessed to (and be prepared for) whatever you are called this day, in His name, however unexpected!

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