Collect for Trinity 18
Almighty and everlasting God: Increase in us your gift of faith that, forsaking what lies behind, we may run the way of your commandments and win the crown of everlasting joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Philippians 3: 4b-14
Matthew 21: 33-46
Deteronomy 30:19- I call heaven and earth to witness against you today that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Choose life.
But most of them didn’t. And haven’t, through the ages.
A parable of a vineyard:
First, a rejected messenger – tortured.
Then, several servants are sent to repeat the message – they are beaten and stoned.
In the end, the owners Son himself goes, is killed and his inheritance stolen.
The result: the owner of the vineyard demands the life of the treacherous workers, and brings in those who will be honest and do his bidding.
A brief History of God in the World:
First, a chosen people – messengers who prophesied Messiah and then the people, apart from a few, nonetheless refused to accept Him when He came.
Followed by a ‘Christian’ society – which initially believed, but has now become self-centred, greedy and secularised. People pay lip service only to the Gospel they have heard, and reject those who daily aspire to live that truth. All He asks is repentance, humility and love. But it seems that it ‘costs’ too much…
Now, He sees an economically – and therefore unbalanced – society, with a minority in the ‘rich North’ who are unspeakably wealthy and a majority in the ‘poor South’ living in abject poverty. Yet it is by those where He is increasingly made welcome, and where His Church experiences unprecedented growth.
Throughout the centuries, God offers a gift being able to choose life and starting again, but when continually refused, He shakes the dust off His sandals and moves on. Could you blame Him, then, if He turns His blessing to the poor? And asks us to do the same – to give them the support they need to choose life?
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