St Michael And All Angels, Church of Ireland, Waterville
We warmly welcome all who come to St Michael And All Angels. We hope this beautiful place will bring you peace, time to reflect and give thanks for all that is good. About UsStay in TouchAbout St Michael And All Angels
Overlooking the beautiful Waterville Bay, the Church was consecrated in 1866 by the then Bishop of Limerick, Ardfert and Aghadoe. The construction is of stone, the shape rectangular, and the belfry has a traditional weathervane at the top. The acoustics of the building are remarkable.
There’s always a warm welcome in St Michael’s
Service Times at St Michael And All Angels
Every Sunday : 12:00 Holy Communion
If circumstances dictate, a Service of the Word my replace Holy Communion
Project 2070
Since 1858, St Patrick’s Church Kenmare has been a place of worship, ministry and welcome to all, whoever they may be, from wherever they come. This has become increasingly important over the last few years, as the town has become a major international tourist attraction, situated not only on the Wild Atlantic Way, but also forming the ‘jewel’ in the ring of Kerry and a gateway to the ring of Beara.
The regular congregation itself is equally multinational, with current membership including no less than eight different birth nations – and in the tourist season, we share worship and fellowship with visitors from countries all over the world.
We now wish to further develop the use of our beautiful historic building as an asset for the wider community, to host concerts and presentations; and we have received planning permission to extend the church in order to provide suitably accessible toilet and entrance facilities.
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Recent News
Praying Together 19th November 2023
It might not be the trumpet. Or the Clarinet. A Trombone, Double Bass, a singing voice. It may not be music at all. If not, there are many other skills you may have been given that you are not yet aware of: artistic talent, hospitality, compassion, intercession, forgiveness, unconditional love. There will be some.
Praying Together 12th November 2023
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Ecumenical Carol Service, Valentia
Tuesday 12 December 19:00 Ecumenical Carol Service
Christmas Holy Communion, St Michael
Monday 25th December 12:00, St Michael, Waterville
Village Carols, Sneem
Monday 18th December at 17:00 at the Little Church, Sneem
Carol Service, Waterville
19:00, Tuesday 19th December at St Michael, Waterville
Christmas Communion Service, Valentia
Sunday 24 December Christmas Communion
Praying Together 5th November 2023
“Do as I say, not as I do”. The mantra of hypocritical leaders through the ages. It is important to note that Jesus makes a clear distinction between the righteous observance of the Law and the self-important practice of the Pharisees.
Praying Together 29th October 2023
Hallowmas is a season we should not ignore, but instead celebrate as a festival of light, in the beauty of Autumn colours and enjoying a time for creation to rest in peace.
Praying Together 22nd October 2023
When the world lives in Christ, it’s laws are true and just. When it doesn’t, they are not, and we must reject them. There can be no compromise.